May 8, 2016 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Louisville may be famous for an annual horse race, but Vine Street is famous for its faithful members and guests coming to worship and learn about God Sunday after Sunday. Today’s service began when Deacon Wally Jeffries read Psalm 4:1-5 and saying a prayer. Co-Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher led the gathered in song while C0-Worship […]
Waters-Cull Family Fish Fry
VSBC Blog Administrator
To welcome those arriving early for the Shape Note Convention, Brenda Waters & Michele Cull host a Fish Fryday dinner. Brenda’s son, David, catches fish and gets it ready for Michele’s special breading and frying technique. Several others help by bringing more food and desserts. It’s pretty much a given that whenever Shape Note folks gather, […]
November 3, 2013 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Bright sunshine and cool temps brought many members and guests to Vine Street Baptist Church for worship. The service opened when Deacon Donnie Aebersold read Psalm 119:137-144 and said a prayer. Worship Pastor Chris Wells encouraged the gathered to stand and sing songs. All Creatures of Our God and King I Will Glory in My […]