This morning’s service was led by Wally Jeffries and accompanied by Hannah Kim. Betty Jeffries opened the service with a reading from Psalm 69:1-15, followed by a prayer. Opening hymns were “His Name is Wonderful” and “Oh How I Love Jesus.”
Don Fulton closed the Welcome Time by leading the congregation in community prayer. Scripture from Acts 2:42-47 was read by Josh Cornett. Right before the offering, the congregation sang “Count Your Blessings.” Kim played an instrumental version of “Bless Now the Lord, Oh My Soul.”
Fulton’s message from Matthew 6:19-24, “The Gospel According to Donald Trump,” was a teaching on what our heart says about our treasures. Fulton points out the commandments and assessments that Jesus presents to us through The Word. An audio file of the sermon is available on request. Please send an email to
After the message, a time of invitation and reflection was held while the congregation sang “The Solid Rock.”