Today’s worship service opened with a set of songs that focus on what God did through His Son, Jesus
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- Here is Love
- Jesus, Thank You
After a time of greeting new friends and current friends, the choir ensemble introduced a new song to the congregation, Purify My Heart. Interim Pastor, Ben Dockery, lead the gathered through a pastoral prayer and concluded with everyone reciting the Lord’s Prayer together.
Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, introduced this week’s scripture reading from Matthew 18:21-35. The parable Jesus taught showed how we need to forgive, just as God forgives. Mickie Bainter read dramatically the verses. which was set to music composed by Kim. This part of the service concluded with the hymn, Forgiven, from the Baptist Hymnal.
After giving of tithes and offerings, Dockery presented a message around Mark 4:35-5:43, called Authority Over Desperation. Opening the sermon with a story from his childhood, telling us that his favorite movie growing up was, Aladin. Just like in one of the opening scenes when Princess Jasmine commanded the release of the captured Aladin with her voice, we learn that Jesus makes things happen just by the authority of his voice. Four stories from this passage show the same thing:
- Jesus calms the storm with His voice
- A legion of evil spirits is cast into a bunch of pigs at the permission of Jesus
- Jesus felt someone in great need touching His clothes, spoke with her, and she was healed.
- Jesus brought a little girl back to life just by saying, “Talitha koum!” (which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”)
Is it possible that any of these people had forgotten their encounter with Jesus? Probably not. What about you? Have you encountered Jesus? How does it effect you? If you haven’t encountered Jesus, it’s not too late. (Contact someone today.)
During a time of reflection and invitation, the gathered sang Name of All Majesty.