Posted by VSBC Blog Administrator

Today at Vine Street Baptist Church, we welcomed a number of friends and family members as guests.  Pack-A-Pew Sunday was a wonderful day sharing the story of God’s love through reading of scripture, songs (from the very old to the most contemporary), fellowship, and teaching from the Bible.

Today’s service opened with a reading of Psalm 42 by Deaconess Betty Jeffries.  She followed with a prayer for guests and members, offering today and what is done here today to the Lord.

Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, lead the congregation through a series of songs that express longing and desire to know more about God and His Son, and thanking Him for Who He is.

  • As the Deer
  • There is a Redeemer
  • How Great Thou Art
  • Amazing Grace

After a time for the entire body to greet each other, everyone heard a little about Shape Note music and then one of the songs from The Sacred Harp.  Interim Pastor, Ben Dockery, welcomed members and guests alike to today’s service and lead everyone in a time of prayer that ended with The Lord Prayer.

Mickie Bainter read the story of the prodigal son from Luke 15:11:32, which was dramatically set to music composed by Kim.  The piece ends with a stanza of Lord, I’m Coming Home, then the entire congregation sang Here is Love.

During the time of Offering and Tithes, children from the Wednesday night SMART Kids program showed two of the songs they sing each week.

Today’s lesson from Mark 8:27-38 focused on the question: “Who is Jesus?”  Dockery presented several illustrations about people asking that very question.  Dockery tricked the listeners into thinking that he wrote a song, but recited one that had already been done.  Another example of people asking who Jesus is was given via a snippet from an interview with Bono from U2.  The question, which is answered in Scripture, was discussed.

Click here to listen to the audio.