With this weekend being a holiday, we missed many of our members due to travelling. This did not dampen the mood of the other members and guests who gathered at Vine Street Baptist Church to worship God.
The service began with a reading of Psalm 32 and a prayer, both lead by Deacon Donnie Aebersold. Minister of Praise and Worship, Johann Kim, emphasized the meaning of the text: It is a real blessing that our sin is covered by one Who came in our place. The following songs reflect more about that reference.
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- His Name is Wonderful
After a time of welcoming each other with hugs and handshakes, the choir ensemble sang “My Jesus, I Love Thee” and asked the congregation to join on the fourth stanza. Prior to leading a pastoral prayer, Pastor Ben Dockery said he wanted to periodically use this part of the service as opportunity for members to give testimony about ministry events and how God is working on their lives. He asked Chandler Bainter to talk about Family Movie Night. Bainter testified how the event at first seemed like quite a disappointment , but after additional thoughts and prayer, he looked at it as just the beginning of new service opportunities for the Church and the community.
Bob Meek read Matthew 7:15-27 and the gathered sang “Trust and Obey” just prior to the offering being collected.
Today, VSBC members and guests heard a teaching of God’s Word from Bill Bell. Bell, who recently finished Sojourn Community Church’s Preaching School, has been preaching through the first several chapters of Ephesians during the evening worship services. Bell has a Music Education degree from Murray State University and currently works full time as a Reporting Analyst for a large Medicare insurance provider. In addition, he is a Deacon at Sojourn Community Church for community groups, is married to Courtney and has four children.
Bill finishes his part of the Ephesian series with thoughts from Ephisians 2: 11-3:31, but starts with a little review:
In chapter 1, Paul is basically saying, “Let me tell you why I praise God.” In chapter 2, he is basically saying, “Let me tell you what you were and what you’ve become – by grace only we gain the favor of God.”
In Ephesians 2:11, a huge change in Paul’s letter begins: The mystery becomes known – the Gentiles are now included. Jesus’ first ministry was to the Jewish people. Through Christ, it includes (heirs together) the Gentiles. Paul recognizes the racial tension of his time period. But, Paul emphasizes, Jesus accepts all people.
Those of us with Christ as Savior tend to cling to what we know and share with others who also know. There tends to be a barrier, a dividing wall of hostility (v. 14) . But Jesus came to destroy that barrier. The Christian message has to be taken out and not held within the building of believers.
What are we inviting people into?
- One nation under King Jesus (v. 19a – fellow citizens)
- One family under God as the Father (v. 19b – God’s household)
- One church – a body (v. 20 – joined together)
Paul urges the Ephesians to approach God with confidence (3:10-11)
- bring your fears
- bring your concerns
- bring your guilt.
God will take care of them all.
You can listen to the sermon by clicking on the player, or right-click on the link and save the file to your computer.
May 30, 2010 AM (Bill Bell)
After the sermon concluded, Kim lead the congregation in a time of reflection and response with the song “The Solid Rock.” The service concluded with a few announcements and a benediction.