The heat snapped in Louisville, KY, and members & guests of Vine Street Baptist Church came out to to praise the Lord on this cool morning.
Deacon Donnie Aebersold led the gathered in a Responsive Reading (as put together in the Baptist Hymnal, passage 674) from Psalms 98 and Psalms 34. After Aebersold said an opening prayer, Worship Pastor Chris Wells had the congregation stand and sang songs of praise.
- How Great is Our God
- Everlasting God
Wells invited everyone to take time to greet everyone in a time of fellowship. Associate Pastor Chris Moss brought the gathered together again and advised a few announcements
- Operation Christmas Child boxes will be packed on November 13th. Special Guest Nicki Johnson, who has been to Zambia for an OCC Delivery, will speak about her experience and why she loves OCC before the packing begins.
- VSBC continues its partnership with Freedom Center Ministries in Lynch, KY. An updated list will be available next week, and another delivery date is being scheduled. New City Church is also partnering with us on this next endeavor.
Dustin Bruce read Romans 8:31-29, then Wells led the congregation in song before the offering was collected.
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Revelation Song
After Deacon Joe Gross said a prayer, the gathered sang I Will Glory in My Redeemer while the offering was collected.
Youth Pastor Brandon Saunders brought the next message in the Exodus sermon series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
September 15, 2013 | AM | Exodus 7:8-11:10 | Only God Can Do This | Brandon Saunders |
During a time of response and reflection, the gathered sang Revelation Song, then Moss closed the service with a benediction.