Relieved from a week long threat of snow that ended up passing the city, a large number of members and guests went to Vine Street Baptist Church to worship the Lord and to learn from His Word.
The service began when Deacon Betty Jeffries read Psalm 41 and gave a prayer. Guest Worship Leader, Bennett Stofer, returned again this week and led the gathered in some familiar songs.
- How Great Thou Art
- How Great is Our God
Pastor Ben welcomed everyone and invited everybody to spend some time in fellowship, then he went over a few announcements about today’s events and upcoming activities.
- Today’s sermon continues through the book of John
- Souper Sunday starts tonight
- Business meeting next week.
- Prayer concerns
Associate Pastor Ken Lovett read Philippians 2:1-8, then the gathered sang, including a well known hymn with a new melody.
- In Christ Alone
- Take My Life
Deacon Joe Gross said a prayer for the offering, then Stofer played the piano quietly while the offering was collected.
Pastor Ben delivered today’s message. This is the next message in sermon series covering the book of John. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
February 1, 2015 | AM | John 13 | Noticing Others’ Feet | Ben Dockery |
Everyone stood and sang Are You Washed in the Blood during a time of reflection and response, then Pastor Ben closed the service with a benediction reading from Titus.
Before dismissed, everyone joined together in singing the birthday song to Diane Blair. a long standing tradition when your birthday falls on a Sunday. And before calling, “You are dismissed,” Pastor Ben announced the engagement of Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders to Kendall Perchinski.