This past week, warmer weather may have confused people if it is Spring or Winter. Members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church were not confused about gathering today to learn from God’s Word and to worship together.
The service began with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 51 and saying a prayer. Associate Pastor of Worship, Jacob Hatcher, encouraged everyone to stand and sing together.
- I Saw the Light
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
After a time of fellowship, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families, Brandon Saunders, gave a few announcements and led a pastoral prayer. The deacons collected the tithes and offerings, then the congregation sang again.
- There is a Fountain
- Revelation Song
Member Alan Johns read today’s sermon passage, then Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon delivered today’s message.
The sermon today is the next in a new series called Birthmarks. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
January 22, 2017 AM | John 3:1-8 | What is the New Birth? | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, the gathered stood and sang I Surrender All during a time of response and reflection. A special announcement about a Youth event was made before the closing benediction was given.