February 19, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A threatened overnight snow storm did not materialize, allow many members and guests to gather at Vine Street Baptist Church for worship and study. The service started when Deacon Joe Gross began reading Psalm 33 and saying an opening prayer. Dr. Johann Kim, Minister of Praise and Worship, spoke of the passage’s powerful urging the […]
February 12, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A light weekend snow greeted everyone Sunday morning, and a large gathering of people could be found at Vine Street Baptist Church. The service started as Deacon Joe Gross read Psalm 25 and said a prayer. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, talked about the Passage being packed with themes of forgiveness, salvation […]
February 5, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A little cold weather couldn’t keep members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church from gathering together and worshiping the Lord. Deacon Joe Gross opened the service by reading Psalm 41 and praying. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, led the congregation in songs of praise. Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above […]
January 29, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Service today included new and familiar songs, testimony and learning from the Bible. Deacon Gary Cook read Psalm 32 and said an opening prayer. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, said of the passage, “Before God, we are all sinners. This Psalm shows how desperately we need His Grace.” Kim then led the congregation in […]
January 22, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Songs, fellowship and Biblical teaching were all on the program for today’s worship at Vine Street Baptist Church. Associate Pastor Dwayne Ewers presented the third sermon of the series Great Aspects of the Church. The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file […]