Today’s morning Worship Service began with Deacon Joe Gross reading Psalm 53, a passage about fools and being corrupt, but ending with hope of salvation for Israel. Worship songs, lead by Minister of Worship and Praise Johann Kim started with songs of confession and coming to the cross:
- Merciful God
- The Old Rugged Cross
After a time of prayer during the previous song, the gathered stood for some songs of praise to the Lord
- All Creatures of Our God and King
- No Other Name
After a time for those attending service to greet each other and hug some necks, the choir ensemble sang the first two versus of Heaven Came Down, and the congregation joined on the last verse. Interim Pastor Ben Dockery prepared everyone for today’s message by giving a few introductory remarks about the passage, then lead everyone through a time of prayer that ended with The Lord’s Prayer. Right before the offering was accepted, the body sang By Grace Alone.
Between the Pastoral Prayer and the beginning of the Sermon, Dockery made a quick change of clothes to illustrate today’s passage from Mark 7. Gone was the bow tie and blazer, and in its place was a simple, untucked button down shirt. In this section of Mark, Jesus and the Pharisees went back and forth about living according to rules or not. The Pharisees, focusing on the exterior, kept pointing out that Jesus’ followers were not living according to the laws set forth about being clean. By the end of the passage, Jesus exposed the hearts of these accusers — it is the things that come out of people’s heart that makes them clean or unclean.
Dockery concluded by telling everyone that the gospel message of Christ is not about the clothes, or what is on the outside. Christ is most concerned about the inside. Everyone was encouraged to share their hearts with Christ, and if needed to be vulnerable to a close person and ask for help.
Click here to listen to today’s message.
A time of reflection and invitation was given, with the gathered singing And Can It Be.