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Around 35 people, young and old, braved the frigid temperature and cold conditions to attend worship service at Vine Street Baptist Church. Deacon Gary Cook opened the service with a reading of Pslam 47 and an opening prayer. Minister of Worship and Praise Johann Kim recapped the Psalm by highlighting its theme of joy and pointing out that the Psalm actually asks us a question: Can we be joyful in the midst of heartache, tragedy, or despair? The Bible says YES! — in spite of any disaster, we remain joyful. Kim encouraged the gathered in leading the following songs:

  • Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
  • Come Let us Go Up
  • Sing Unto the Lord a New Song
  • Be Unto Your Name

This song set concluded with a time of reflection and prayer.

After a time of fellowship, the choir ensemble introduce the first three stanzas of In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came, and the gathered joined them on the forth stanza. Interim Pastor Ben Dockery reminded the congregation that last week’s sermon referenced Ephesians 5 and the verse “Christ loved the church.” Calling to mind that we could have gathered today to discuss Haiti, college basketball, the State of the Union address or what is happening in Congress, we choose to gather for another purpose, which was discussed during the sermon. After this explanation, Dockery lead the gathered in a time of prayer.

Mickie Bainter read John 10:22-39, then all sang Worthy the Lamb That was Slain. A time of giving tithes and offerings was provided.

For today’s sermon, Dockery decided to interrupt the two part series that started last week with a message specifically on what the Church should be. Acts 2 is one of the most helpful chapter in the New Testament telling us how the Church is supposed to be

  • Learning – They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teachings. Acts 2:42
  • Caring/Sharing – They were devoted to fellowship & gathering together on a regular basis. Acts 2:44
  • Worshiping – They devoted themselves to breaking of bread and prayers. i. e. Worship, communion, baptism. Acts 2:46
  • Evangelizing – They devoted themselves to reaching out. “Go to the world.” Acts 2:47

Click the player, below, to listen to the entire message.

01/31/2010 (Ben Dockery)

The sermon concluded with a time of quiet prayer, then Kim led the congregation through God of Grace and God of Glory for a time of response. Bainter presented several announcements and Dockery concluded the time together with a benediction reading of John 3:16-17