Another large running event blocked common routes to Vine Street Baptist Church, but members and regular guests could not be deterred in getting to this house of worship.
The service opened with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 106:19-23 and saying a prayer. Chris Well, Worship Pastor, led the gathered in song.
- How Great Thou Art
- Praise Him, Praise Him
A time of fellowship was held to give everyone time to greet one another. Pastor Ben Dockery brought everyone together again and presented a few announcements.
- Exodus series continues with a sermon from Associate Pastor Dustin Bruce.
- Proverbs series continues tonight with a sermon from Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders.
- Operation Christmas Child box packing on November 13th. Guest Nicki Johnson will tell stories of her trip to a Shoebox delivery.
- November 20, 2013 will be a Fellowship Meal at Vine Street Baptist. Members of New City Church will join VSBC and bring items for the Freedom Center.
- A new lift will be installed to aide people getting from the bottom floor to the upper floors. Contributions to the new lift can be made by writing “Lift” on your check or envelope and dropping it in the offering plate.
- At the end of the service, for the benediction, everyone will gather in the back parking lot to hear the new bells and to give a prayer of thankfulness to those who worked on the project, especially remembering long time member Edna Hartman.
Pastor Ben said a prayer and read Ephesians 2:17-24, then Wells led the congregation in song before the offering was collected.
- Rock of Ages Cleft for Me
- All I Have is Christ
A prayer for the offering was said by Deacon Gary Cook, then everyone sang I Need Thee Every Hour.
Associate Pastor Dustin Bruce brought the next message in the Exodus sermon series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
November 10, 2013 | AM | Exodus 32:1-33:23 | You Can Take the Israelite Out of Egypt, But You Can’t Take the Egypt Out of the Israelite | Dustin Bruce |
During a time of response and reflection, the congregation sang All I Have is Christ. To bring the service to a close, Pastor Ben invited everyone to gather their belonging and head to the back parking lot. One assembled, Amazing Grace was played over the new bell system, and Pastor Ben closed the time in prayer.