Today’s service opened with Deacon Joe Gross reading 2 Samuel 22:26-31 and saying a prayer. Jacob and Jaime Hatcher played guitar and led the singing of hymns:
- There is Power in the Blood
- The Old Rugged Cross
Deacon Chandler Bainter took to the platform to introduce today’s guest preacher and deliver a few announcements.
- The guest speaker today is Doug Sturgeon. Doug was born and raised in Louisville, KY, attending Southern High School for a few years, then graduating from Bullet Central High School. He has been a bi-vocational pastor for most of his adult life, being an architect as his other vocation.
Doug was pastor at Eagle Heights Baptist and Christiansburg Baptist churches in neighboring counties before moving back to Louisville. He is currently on the pastoral staff at Immanuel Baptist Church.Doug and his wife of 21 years, Joy, have two children and twin granddaughters.
- Jacob Hatcher teaches our ongoing study The Person of Jesus during tonight’s gathering
- Next week, Brandon preaches from 2 Corinthians
- Business Meeting tonight
- Fall Family Fellowship
- Trunk or Treat (details given by Jaime Hatcher)
- New book study with Pastor Spenser.
Everyone spent a few minutes in greeting one another and fellowship before Jacob asked the ushers to prepare for the offering and gave a pastoral prayer about the health concerns and of future outreach events of the church. While the offering plates were passed, Jacob introduced the next song, then Jaime & Jacob led the congregation through worship:
- Christ is Risen
- Holy, Holy, Holy
Member Justin Francis read the scripture passage for today’s sermon, then Doug took to the platform to deliver the message. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
October 16, 2016 AM | Acts 11:1-30 | The Marks of a Christian Life | Doug Sturgeon |
After the sermon, everyone stood and sang Holy, Holy, Holy during a time of response and reflection, then Jacob closed the service with a benediction reading.