Happy New Year to one and all. This week, Vine Street Baptist Church was blessed to have guest worship leader Matt Hubbard for today’s service. Matt grew up in Gainsville, GA just outside of Atlanta, and is a huge Atlanta Braves fan. He moved to Louisville in August, 2013 to attend Boyce Bible College and is pursuing a double-major in Business and Music. In addition to playing the guitar, which he used in today’s service, he can play the piano and drums. In his spare time, he works in a coffee shop and is in a band. After all his schooling is done, he hopes to be involved in church planting and worship leading.
The service opened with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 119:33-40 and saying a prayer. Matt asked everyone to stand and sing along with him.
- Come Thou Fount
- The Solid Rock
Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon welcomed everyone and started a time of fellowship with one another. Returning to the platform, Spencer delivered a number announcements to bring the congregation up to date.
- Introduction to today’s sermon.
- Winter Break starts this week. (No Sunday night activities at the church building until February 5)
- The Saunders are hosting some ‘get together‘ time at their house.
- Thank you to everyone who participated in Christmas Families.
- Offering envelopes are available by request from the Church Treasurer.
- Large print ESV Bibles are available for use at church, or to take a copy home.
- Interested in hosting an event at church? Check the church calendar for availability
- A number of Christmas cards and letters from former members are posted
- Check out the 5-Day Bible Reading Program in the bulletin insert.
After a pastoral prayer, the offering plates were passed and the gathered continued in song:
- How Firm a Foundation
- Be Thou My Vision
Spencer returned to the pulpit to deliver today’s sermon scripture sermon. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
January 1, 2017 AM | Psalm 19 | Why You Need the Bible This Year | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, the body participated in The Lord’s Supper. The elements were passed and Spencer read scripture as those who have accepted Christ took the bread, representing the Body of Christ, and the juice, representing the Blood of Christ. Spencer closed the service with a benediction scripture reading.