Before returning to 2nd Corinthians, Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon is lead to take Vine Street Baptist Church through a “back to basics” sermon sermon series called “Why?” Each week, one element will be matched with the scriptural basis for that element and will answer the question, “Why ___?”
August 20, 2017 | Spencer Harmon | Why Vine Street? |
August 27, 2017 | Spencer Harmon | Why Preaching? |
September 3, 2017 | Spencer Harmon | Why Membership? |
September 10, 2017 | Spencer Harmon | Why Baptism? |
September 17, 2017 | Spencer Harmon | Why Lord’s Supper? |
September 24, 2017 | Brandon Saunders | Why Discipleship? |
October 1, 2017 | Jacob Hatcher | Why Sing? |