Post Archives

August 9, 2009

Christmas is coming …

The goose is getting fat / Please to put a penny in an old man’s hat / If you haven’t got a penny a ha’penny will do / If you haven’t got a ha’penny, God bless you. Every little bit helps, and helping in little bits along the way helps tremendously.  Now is the perfect […]

August 9, 2009

POTG Weigh In Today

Participants in the “Pressing On Towards the Goal” (POTG) group will have their monthly weigh in today following the morning worship service. A “Healthy Pot Luck” will be enjoyed afterward.

July 26, 2009

Reigniting the VSBC Blog (Version 2) will soon be going offline, as the members who were maintaining it have moved to another church.  VSBC thanks Josh and Jaclyn for their help with the web site over the past few years — the Technical Support Ministry truly appreciates the work you did. In the next few days, you will […]

July 12, 2009

Back to blogging

VSBC will once again be updating the main web site ( It will be a blog. If you are currently subscribed to this blog via email or RSS, could you drop us a line? Currently, we do not have any stats on blog traffic. Thank you in advance for letting us know.

August 31, 2008

Cleaning of VSBC – The Plan of Attack!

Today at 2:00 is a “rough clean” —Anyone willing to help sort through leftover day care items is needed.We will set out junk items and set aside good items for other day care centers in the area. The goal is to be done in one hour! Your help is needed to make this happen. September […]

August 31, 2008

Souper Sunday – Next week

Members and friends of VSBC are invited to Souper Sunday on September 7th at 6:00pm. Our monthly fellowship together to enjoy a bowl of soup together and get to know each other better. Please contact the church for more information.

August 31, 2008

Nursery Care Givers Needed

Volunteers are needed to take care of our little children during worship time. Please see Cathy Cook to let her know your availability. The more workers in rotation, the more often everyone can be in the worship service.

August 30, 2008

Community Yard Sale a big success!

VSBC and the Child Development Center held a community wide yard sale today. Several families rented space and tables, concession items were sold, and the CDC was able to sell a good portion of their resources. All money raised from the CDC items, rental and concessions where given to toward meeting some of the final […]

August 24, 2008

Search Committee Approved

At a special called business meeting, the members of Vine Street Baptist Church approved the following as members of an ad hoc Staff Search Committee: Michele Cull Don Fulton Maple Williams Chandler Bainter, Deacon representative The Staff Search Committee is charged with interviewing and recommending candidates for the following church positions: Minister of Praise and […]

August 17, 2008

Special Called Business Meeting for August 24

VSBC Deacon Chairperson, Wally Jeffries, announced that a Special Called Business Meeting would be held after the evening service on August 25th. The purpose of the meeting is to update and approve the ad-hoc committee formed to interview and recommend two recently opened staff positions. Over the course of the last two business meetings, VSBC […]

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