Post Archives

July 22, 2020

Biblical Justice

Biblical Justice

We’ll be taking a short break from our “The Gospel of Luke” sermon series and have a short look at Biblical Justice. Plan on joining us in-person* or online on our Facebook page each Sunday morning at 10:45am July 26, 2020 Mike Kubinec Overview August 2, 2020 Mike Kubinec Amos 5:18-24 August 9, 2020 Dan […]

November 19, 2017

November 19, 2017 Morning Worship

November 19, 2017 Morning Worship

After a night of blustery winds and dropping temperatures, many members and guests of Vine Street Baptist bundled up and headed off for a time to gather together and learn from scripture. The service began when Justin Francis read Psalm 126 and said a prayer.  Helping lead the worship singing today was Mattie Perez.   She […]

September 24, 2017

September 24, 2017 Morning Worship

September 24, 2017 Morning Worship

Just because summer is over and fall has begun doesn’t mean vacations are done — many members of Vine Street Baptist Church were out of town on this day, but they were thought of and prayed for none the less. Today’s service began when Deacon Chandler Bainter read Jeremiah 17:7-8 and said a prayer. Nolan […]

September 3, 2017

September 3, 2017 Morning Worship

As the impact of Hurricane Harvey continues to weigh heavily on the minds and hearts of members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church, they were encouraged as a sister-church in Houston sent a video message which showed how that body of believers are already mobilizing to reach out to their community, even in the […]

August 6, 2017

August 6, 2017 Morning Worship

August 6, 2017 Morning Worship

As members, regular attendees and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church gathered before the worship service, the room was buzzing with excitement as Boyce College students are beginning to return to town from the summer break.  Students were warmly welcomed back to the Vine Street family with many hugs of joy. The service began when […]

July 30, 2017

July 30, 2017 Morning Worship

July 30, 2017 Morning Worship

After many members and guests spent time in Sunday School, studying the Bible in fellowship, everyone gathered in the sanctuary for a time of worship and teaching. The service began when Deacon Donnie Aebersold read Psalm 73:25-28 and saying an opening prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher, along with percussionist Nolan Hodge, invited the […]

July 2, 2017

July 2, 2017 Morning Worship

July 2, 2017 Morning Worship

After a week full of activities around the building, members and regular attendees of Vine Street Baptist Church discovered the many changes and improvements started by Concord Student Ministry’s mission trip here.  The entire church continued to be thankful for the work that was accomplished at the building, but more importantly the contacts that were […]

June 18, 2017

June 18, 2017 Morning Worship

June 18, 2017 Morning Worship

After a week of hot, humid weather outside, members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church found comfort in the coolness of the building, while enjoying the abundant warmth of fellowship with one another. The service began today when Deacon Betty Jeffries read Psalm 19:7-14 and said an opening prayer. Worship leaders Jacob and Jaime […]

December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016 Morning Worship

December 18, 2016 Morning Worship

The overnight threat of ice did not materialize, nor could it hamper the resolve for members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church to come out in full force for Morning Worship. The service began with Deacon Wally Jeffries reading scripture and saying a prayer that was full of warmth, hope and anticipation.  Worship Leaders […]

December 4, 2016

December 4, 2016 Morning Worship

December 4, 2016 Morning Worship

It may officially be cold outside, but it was warm inside Vine Street Baptist Church, where members and guests fellowshiped with one another, worshiped, and learned from the Bible. Today’s service began with Deacon Wally Jeffries reading Isaiah 9:6-7 and saying a prayer.  Worship Leaders, Jacob and Jamie Hatcher, led the gathered in song: O […]

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