Monthly Pastor Search Prayer Meeting
VSBC Blog Administrator
Starting in March, the Transition Team will lead a time of guided prayer for the Pastor Search Committee members and for the next Senior Pastor of Vine Street Baptist Church. Using passages of scripture for the basis of various things to pray for, everyone will have a chance to pray for God’s wisdom and guidance […]
January 7, 2018 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
The very first Sunday of 2018 continued a long stretch of bitterly cold temperatures outside. On the inside, however, members and guests were warmed by both the hard working furnaces and the warmth that comes seeing fellow believers gathered for study, prayer, singing and hearing the Word of God. The service began when Senior Pastor […]
June 2014 Sermons
VSBC Blog Administrator
Here are the recordings of sermons presented at Vine Street Baptist Church during the month. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Visit YouVersion and to follow along with the scriptures referenced. Date Reference Title […]