Sermons of VSBC

May 3, 2020

Luke 4:31-44

Luke 4:31-44

May 3, 2020 Click here to listen to the full service from Vine Street Baptist Church, including announcements, testimony from former members and current missionaries, The Duncans, songs and today’s sermon

March 1, 2020

The Foolishness of Pride

The Foolishness of Pride

March 1, 2020 God gives Habakkuk perspective on the proud Chaldeans, and all who oppose God. Five woes against the proud. Those who have unjust gain will one day be plundered. God has made a moral order behind the universe. He is acting in justice. Those who try to establish their own kingdom will one […]

February 23, 2020

When the Answer Doesn’t Make Sense

When the Answer Doesn't Make Sense

February 23, 2020 Habakkuk 1:12-2:5 Habakkuk brings His complaint to the Lord Habakkuk waits for God’s response God’s response God’s plan is far bigger than Israel The righteous shall live by faith God’s face is enough       Click Here to listen to the sermon online, or subscribe on iTunes or Google Podcasts.

February 16, 2020

Habakkuk’s First Complaint: Does God Answer?

Habakkuk's First Complaint: Does God Answer?

February 16, 2020 1. Amid times of evil, Habakkuk cries for help and God seems silent. 2. There is a difference between questions from a place of trust, and questions resisting who God is. 3. There is necessary and honest struggle in the Christian life. God does answer. 4. God responds in an overwhelming and […]

February 9, 2020

Mordecai and the God Who Delivers

Mordecai and the God Who Delivers

February 9, 2020 Context Esther Chapter 4 Esther, a Jewish orphan girl, becomes the queen. Haman seals a plan to kill all Jews in Persia, because he is bitter with Mordecai. Main Points  The Lament of Mordecai  The Plea of Mordecai  Esther’s Response  The Faith of Mordecai Esther puts her own life aside and takes […]

February 2, 2020

Where is Our Boast?

Where is Our Boast?

February 02, 2020 Jewish Christian Missionaries boasted in their flesh and spiritual conquest. They avoided persecution, seeking comfort and pride, rather than Jesus.  Paul boasted only in the cross. Jesus, though humiliated, died to solve our deepest problem. Our works are incomparable to God saving us. Focus on Calvary, until what Jesus has done for […]

January 26, 2020

Galatians 6:6-10 (ESV)

Galatians 6:6-10 (ESV)

January 26, 2020 Even though faith brings us in right relation with God, our actions still have consequences. Our actions do have eternal consequences. Our time is limited (so do not grow weary or give up) Click here to listen to the sermon online.  Be sure to subscribe to the Podcast!

January 19, 2020

Stumbling in Spiritual Community

Stumbling in Spiritual Community

January 19, 2020 Galatians 6:1-5 In a time of false teaching, Paul reminds the church to turn to the cross. In Galatians 5, Paul sets the scene for our passage by contrasting the things of the Spirit and the flesh. How are transgressions handled in our community? Through restoration. No one is exempt from stumbling […]

January 12, 2020

Remembering in the Wilderness

Remembering in the Wilderness

January 12, 2020 We can learn how to suffer well in 2020 from David’s lament in Psalm 63. David remembers: God’s steadfast love God is his help   Click Here to listen to the sermon online, or subscribe at iTunes or Google podcasts.

September 22, 2019

The Hinge on the Door of Salvation

The Hinge on the Door of Salvation

September 22, 2019 Justification can only come through faith in Jesus Christ (v. 15-16) To forsake Christ is to forfeit your justification (v. 17-19) Jesus died for you so he could live through you (v.20-21) Application You can’t earn your salvation Your friends, family and everyone else in your life can’t earn their salvation Consider your death […]

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